Samuthirakani who donned the villain in 'Subramaniyapuram', directs the film "Naadodigal". In the first movie itself Sasikumar gained attraction & appreciation from everyone and now he is launched Hero in "Naadodigal".
S.R.Kathir who has set a unique place for him in Tamil film industry with his brilliance Cinematography in 'Katrathu Tamil' and 'Subramaniyapuram' is handling the same for "Naadodigal".
As a next entry from Malayalam film industry, Niveditha makes her debut in Tamil Cinema through "Naadodigal".
There is much expectation for "Naadodigal" since it is directed by Samuthirakani, the winner of Tamilnadu State award for 'Best Story writer' during the year 2003 for his Debut film 'Unnai Saran Adainthean'.
Sundar C.Babu expects that Naadodigal will bring him accolades just like his other films 'Chithiram Peysuthadi' and 'Anjathey'
The Director Samuthirakani has taken efforts to introduce at least 120 new faces through this Naadodigal film.
Mumbai based Global Infotainment Pvt Ltd is producing its first venture in Tamil "Naadodigal". Its founder Mr.Michael Rayyappan is very happy since the movie has come out well.
Global Infotainment was formerly involved in Video Editing and Graphics. Notable thing is that its founder Mr.Michael Rayyappan is a Tamilian and he is enthusiastic to produce further.
There will be a lot of difference between Subramaniyapuram's Sasi and Naadodigal's Sasi since he has expressed Love, Friendship and Action says Samuthirakani.
An incident that happens in the life of four youngsters and how it makes them to travel from place to place is the core of "Naadodigal".
In 'Subramaniyapuram' Sasikumar handled both (tough tasks) Direction & Acting but in Naadodigal it is very easy for him to concentrate and put more efforts in acting since everything was rested on the shoulders of Director Samuthirakani.
The successful team of 'Subramaniyapuram' has once again joined hands for "Naadodigal".